Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Passenger Service Upgrade

New Locomotive Begins Test Runs
In preparation for the introduction of a second daily passenger train, the Carleton Railway has been purchasing new equipment. This newly painted and lettered locomotive was added to the railway's fleet of diesel locomotives during December.

The newest Carleton Railway locomotive, an FP7 complete with QSI sound, pulls a shiny consist of streamline passenger cars as it coasts to a stop alongside the picturesque Nortondale Station. Directly across the tracks from the station is the Carleton Railway's famous "Nortondale European Resort." Railway management authorized the purchase of new equipment in preparation for the introduction of a daily passenger and mail service to Montreal, with the expectation that the new service will do very well in competition with the ICR's Atlantic.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Nortondale Resort Expands, Upgrades Facilities

After purchasing an adjacent property earlier in the year, the Carleton Railway's "Nortondale Resort" has begun a major expansion. A new tennis court has been built and is already proving popular with the jet-setters who stay at the exclusive property. There are rumours that additional chalets may soon be added to the property (click on photos to expand). Some guests continue to use the original tennis court (pictured below), although it looks quite shabby compared to the newer court. However, guests claim that the air is different at the older courts, reporting that "something in the air" clears their sinuses as they play.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The potatoes have been planted!
(click on photo to enlarge)
The big potato field in Rosedale has now been completed. It is more than five feet wide (that's 435+ scale feet), and has about 120 rows (each of which required an average of about 10 minutes to install). I also scratchbuilt a small potato house along the edge of the field, added a tool shed, and then included a couple of small cabins to house the "potato pickers" that make the rounds in the fall. The accommodations include all of the conveniences--a hand pump for water, and an outhouse.
I attended the national NMRA convention in Hartford earlier this month, and enjoyed visiting many layouts. I also operated on three layouts--the "Operations Road Show" modular layout at the convention, Al Oneto's "Port Sebago and Southern" in Fairfield, Connecticut, and the North Shore Club in Wakefield, MA.
I have been trying to make sure the Carleton Railway is ready for both operating sessions and the layout tour during the MFMR/NER convention in May 2010: http://www.tracksandtides2010.org/

Saturday, May 16, 2009

New Rosedale-Wakefield Community Centre
A crew from Myshrall Bros. is busy grading the property after a Quonset hut was moved into position on the old foundation of the Rosedale train station, which was recently moved a few hundred feet farther down the line. The building will soon be a new community centre for the rural communities of Rosedale and Wakefield.
The used Quonset hut structure fits almost perfectly on the former site of the train station in Rosedale. The structure used to serve as a car wash in downtown Woodstock, and was recently moved to Rosedale to be used by the community. Beloved local politican Hyram Myshrall is being credited with bringing negotiations with the railway to a successful conclusion.
It has been a long time since my last post--life has been exceedingly busy. Hopefully I will be able to provide more frequent updates in the months ahead. I recently returned from a shopping trip in the U.S., so some changes are ahead as new buildings and other details are added to the layout. I also purchased a fifth H24-66 Trainmaster locomotive with sound. Of course, the Carleton Railway's Monticello yard will be travelling to Summerside next week to be part of the SJSMR's modular setup at the Maritime Convention. I look forward to seeing fellow modellers there, and I will be leading a clinic about operations.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Rosedale work continues

I've continued to work in Rosedale; in the right foreground, I have planted several rows of potatoes along the edge of the layout. On the right, in the background, you can see where the Rosedale station has ben relocated--I have added a fairly lengthy station platform. And on the left, I have scratchbuilt an additional potato house--that makes five along the siding in Rosedale, along with the Irving bulk plant.