Being the first full day of the March break, there was considerably more passenger traffic than usual so the Carleton Railway added extra cars to its passenger trains to accommodate the Carleton County students who were travelling home for the week. There was a near disaster when the crew of #12 (the Nor'Easter--under the control of Doug D.) nearly ran head-on into #15 (the Fiddlehead) near Pembroke. An investigation led to the conclusion that the crew of one of the aforementioned trains neglected to read their train orders. However, a "near miss" is a miss, and no repercussions are expected.
With the expectation of warmer weather soon, the boys working in the Carleton County woods have been busy moving lots of pulpwood out to the siding in East Newbridge. South Newbridge yardmaster Ron was busy adding loaded pulpwood cars to both eastward and westward trains.
All in all it was an excellent operating session. Thanks Bruce, Doug W., Ray, Ron, Don, and Doug D.
I'm sure they did a much better job running the layout than we did. Although, Avondale sure looks more congested than it did when Derwin and I were running it. I'll bet you threw a bunch of extra cars at Bruce just to see if he could handle it.
I'm sure everyone had a blast!
Thanks for allowing Bruce and I to visit and operate on the Carleton Railway. We had a great time. It is always interesting operating on another railway, I have new information to help me improve the operations on the White River Southern.
Scott, Bruce had to do the work of both of you and Derwin did. Steve was also very kind with his words for how we operated.
Well, he is a very kind and polite guy. I'm sure it took him a few hours between sessions to straighten out all the mistakes we made.
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